
  • working hours : 8 am to 4 pm


School timings are to be strictly adhered to:
1st bell: 9.20 a.m. Assembly begins: 9.30 a.m.
It is mandatory to speak English while in the school campus, school bus and bus stop.

  • Students must be punctual for assembly. School uniform must be clean, ironed and shoes polished. Late comers will be severely dealt with.
  • Students must be self disciplined and well-behaved and must behave respectfully towards the members of the staff.
  • Cleanliness of person and clothes is expected of every student. Classrooms and campus should be kept clean.
  • Cassettes, CD & CD Players , mobile phones, camera, toys, cards, video games, chewing gum etc. should not be brought to school
  • Students are not permitted to colour their hair, grow/polish their nails and shave their head. Senior boys are not permitted to grow beard or come unshave.
  • Gold ornaments are not permitted except, a small ear stud for girls.
  • Intentional destruction of school property will attract penal action including a fine.
  • Running in the classrooms and in the corridors is strictly probhited. Student’s behavior should be at its best at all times both inside and outside the campus.
  • Students should refrain from cheating, stealing and using bad language.
  • Students must see that any homework, assignments, projects given to them is submitted in time


Co-Curricular Activities

At Sree Narayana Public School, Physical and Art Education is given due importance and extensive training of each discipline forms an integral part of the curriculum. The following activities and clubs have been designed with a view to fostering the same.

  • Vocal Music
  • Instrumental Music-Organ/Drum/Violin/Tabla
  • Yoga
  • Art and Craft
  • Aerobics



  • Eco club
  • Literary and Debating club
  • Fine Arts club
  • Maths club
  • Science club